2016. Sonographers Medical awarded a place on NHS National Clinical Staffing Framework.
Sonographers Medical has been awarded a place on the new National Clinical Staffing Framework for the NHS.
Being awarded a place on Lots 1 & 2 of the National Clinical Staffing Framework, developed for the NHS by the NHS Collaborative Procurement Partnership, means that Sonographers Medical can supply temporary staff, permanent staff & fixed term staff to clinical positions in the NHS.
Sonographers Medical successfully underwent an independent audit of our services and met the criteria for providing qualified clinical staff who can give high quality patient care at rates within the pay caps set by the government. These pay caps have been introduced to help the NHS control spiralling agency staffing costs.
The NHS Collaborative Procurement Partnership is a collaboration of four NHS procurement hubs – NHS Commercial Solutions, NHS North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative, East of England NHS Collaborative Procurement Hub and NHS London Procurement Partnership
2014 Sonographers Medical is delighted to confirm our inclusion on three prestigious nationwide NHS Recruitment Frameworks operated by Health Trust Europe (HTE), the London Procurement Partnership (LPP) and Crown Commercial Services (CCS) for the provision of Locum and permanent AHP, HSS staff. Contact us with your requirements: staffing@sonographersmedical.co.uk
2010. NHS Framework Agreements are now managed through NHS Buying Solutions. Sonographers Medical remains an active member of the frameworks and shall continue to work with NHS Buying Solutions with the same spirit of cooperation as we previously applied to NHS PASA.
Members of PaSA Agency Agreements since 2003
2009. We are delighted and proud to report that Sonographers Medical has been selected to provide Allied Health Professional and Health Science Services staff on the new NHS PaSA National Framework Agreement for another three years as from April 2009
Our inclusion on this agreement, for the third three year period in succession, is testament to the continued success of Sonographers Medical in providing high quality, compliant, Locum staff to hospitals through out the UK and to meeting the rigorous criteria laid out by NHS PaSA to ensure economy and reliability in locum staff supply
2008. Sonographers Medical are members of the new NHS Framework Agreement for supply of Hospital Doctors and Medical locums: – authorising us to provide staff of the following sectors of the NHS:
Medical Locums to All hospital Departments.
2006. Sonographers Medical are members of the NHS Framework Agreement for supply of temporary staff: – authorising us to provide staff of the following sectors of the NHS:
Administrative Services including supplies and procurement staff,
Allied Health Professionals and associated staff
Health Science Service staff
This agreement came into effect on 24th April 2006, and supersedes the previous NHS Agreement which was restricted to Allied Health Professionals. (and which we have been members of since its conception in 2003).
The NHS Agreement not only dictates the charge rates an Agency can apply, it also restricts the pay rate to the locum and ensures the quality of the recruitment process, for the protection of the patient and well being of the NHS at large.
At Sonographers Medical, we strongly support the Framework Agreement and shall work to promote it throughout its life.